CRank: 5Score: 1800

watching the video and i'm already super excited for Kinect :D! I like this better then playstation move cause, Move did something i think will seal it's fate and thats make things really complicated. You have to buy this you have to but that, and one of these. It feels Jagged Unofficial and canned. Much like Xbox 360 with it's peripherals, such as HD dvd, wifi add on, and (for me personally) having to buy a separate hard drive to save money on my 360 purchase. The bottom line is...

5170d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

When will people ever learn? The Media in particular! They said the same thing about blu ray and look where it's at now. 3D gaming is a monopoly and sony is the monopolizing leader! sony has planned this at least two years ahead of time, and with the success of movies like Avatar, 3D is becoming increasingly relevant. They even jacked up 3D movie prices because it's so popular now. Furthermore if Killzone 3 can out preform Avatars 3D experience Then sony has another major selling poin...

5211d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ the picture

5211d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love it when conglomerate company's starts to screw and piss off there fanboys. wake up! no company in their right mind would do something for you without money in mind. whats in it for us? i bet sony is thinking. is giving them this feature going to make us any money? you can bet your new air Jordan's these are the types of thoughts sony is thinking. meanwhile you can purchise and xbox360 that is feature rich. If your not getting what you want over here, why don't you take a li...

5211d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

cause what they pulled at E3 was just ridiculous. it was like playstation in 2006 just a joke lol. Actually on a serious note i am a 360 owner, and i expect there to be certain standards in my 360 gaming experience that differentiate it from the PS3. And overall i think Xbox can do a little bit better then what they have been. What i think they can do is expand on previous Xbox Franchises like Crimson Skies and Panzer dragoon orta. They've done the right thing by making Splinter cell Excl...

5211d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Tekken 6
far cry 2
Assassins Creed

thats more then enough dissapointments

5277d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

All the games this generation look fantastic. only KILLZONE 2 stands high above any thing we've seen before; additionally God of war 3. Crytek are really getting on my nerves, they have not had one console game this entire generation; consequently they are failing to even impress people with they're so called "updated engine".if you ask me this is a step backwards for Crytek. with they're call of duty graphics

5278d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i mean think about it, when ps3 and 360 first came out they said that the systems were "too weak" to handle their game. And really i think that might have been the case since the first crysis was listed for a ps3 360 release at gamestop over two years ago; consequently the game still hasn't come out. And now their talking about crysis 2 coming to consoles? seriously? you haven't even finished the first one; furthermore they are not the "graphics king" they're just develope...

5281d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Had problems with heavenly sword, KILLZONE 2, Resident Evil 5 and Metal Gear Solid. when it came to the MGS Octopus i played dirty LOL i used the rocket launcher every time i confronted her. so it wasn't that hard for me really. i didn't have problems with the God of War Hades boss battle, i had more problems with that damed perception Puzzle! then i had with n e boss battle from God Of War. the resistance boss battle was more annoying and boring then anything. INFAMOUSE boss battle looks m...

5284d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the ghost creatures that hunt alan wake are vulnerable to light. very interesting......

5329d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Cold 2000
lol that must be the dumbest move iv'e ever heard of. You spent 900$ when you could've just spent 139$ for a refurbished xbox360 and brought the hard drive separate for 50$. you could have saved over 700$ but instead you want to support a fanboy thesis and play xbox360 games on PC, sad =/

5335d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

lol that must be the dumbest move iv'e ever heard of. You spent 900$ when you could've just spent 139$ for a refurbished xbox360 and brought the hard drive separate for 50$. you could have saved over 700$ but instead you want to support a fanboy thesis and play xbox360 games on PC, sad =/

5335d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

gave it a 9.5 and thats a magazine iv'e followed for years i couldn't care less about what any other reviewer or website says they're hating because they're jealous, hate they're jobs/wish they were talented enough to be game developers and they'll go to almost any lenth to dis-credit these unique games. If you want un-biased gaming reviews i suggest you go to GAMEINFORMER, they always have really interesting reviews, previews and interviews, And the occasional joke articles and sections lol...

5341d ago 8 agree4 disagreeView comment

I suppose since you put it like that, i don't really remember being afraid of Resident Evil 5. I do remember epic boss battles moments of triumph in online play that still won't disappear from the infinity of my mind. I believe saying Resident Evil "failed" to be scary is a little bit of an overstatement, because i had so much fun playing it, in my head it will always be " a Great game". Also i didn't enjoy dead space really so this argument for me is a no brainier even th...

5341d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Dead Space accomplished what Resident Evil 5 failed to do"

What???? I loved Resident Evil 5, had a blast playing it for months. Cant say the same for dead space though. I didn't hate dead space i just found it very boring slow and un-satisfying

on topic.

If they say that they improved over the first game and made the pace and action likened to modern warfare/uncharted then that makes me very excited for this next game

5342d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

A blind man could have seen this coming. but the better question is why were gaming sites trying use this game to downplay GOD OF WAR 3. I smell a fanboy agenda. Most likely paid from the pockets of microsofts gap jeans to do so. lol but if not.... what do you infer?

5342d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

the only reason that the Playstation team cares about graphics now is because they got butthurt last generation about XBOX having the best gfx and now THEY want the title. but what would be more benifical is better gameplay instead of all this "omg gfx are amazing" crap FYI this generation has goodlooking GFX on any console you buy not just the PS3 mario galaxy looks great mass effect looks amazing and uncharted 2 looks fantastic. so what? why do we have to whore ourselves for proc...

5342d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment